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Out To Care[1] - a support and networking group that encourages inclusion among Singapore Management University (SMU)'s diverse community, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. It organises and participates in networking and informative LGBTQ events. Out To Care is supported by SMU's Diversity & Inclusion Committee and may be contacted at: It is part of the Inter-University LGBT Network (IULN) (see below).
Out To Care was formerly known as SMUnicorn. The latter group helped students and alumni interact, provided student advice, organised activities to better understand LGBT topics, established professional links, organised and received invitations to LGBT-friendly corporate events. Its e-mail addresses (no longer used) for student matters was: and for corporate partnership:". The group existed under the moniker of SMUnicorn for only a very short time, mainly for organising its activities during Pink Dot 2014, after which its name was changed to the current one.